Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Film Ideas

1. Hoarding

either with a combination of multiple people or a narrower focus on just one person....
the idea of people collecting and saving stuff
both in a messy, cluttering way and/or in a precise, sterile way
If i use one character, I would want them to have thick glasses and they would collect things and place them all in ziplock bags.
i really like the image of objects separated and organized into plastic bags

2. Ziplock bags

storing food in ziplock bags
There are many practical foods to be stored in plastic bags but there are also many impractical things
reminds me of my grandma putting chicken and dumplings in a ziplock bag, or macaroni, something that just doesn't work
also playing with the idea of "does it work"
hanging bags upside down, smashing it with a hammer, boiling it.. weird stuff to get weird textures

3. combination

what if someone collected hair specimens from different people and stored them in those tiny zip bags
even hair itself is interesting
thinking of all of the different colors and textures of hair and imagining how to light them
or things coming in and out of hair
or hair being found in strange placing
when girls use brushes, the hair that forms a matte in the brush, could form together to create a mass of hair that comes to life with stop motion

4. grandma

as i continue making movies, I find myself burnt out on characters which have revolved around myself, and places which have been my room
I would love to be able to shoot at my grandma's house... but i'm not sure exactly what the substance would be. I think my grandma would be a great actor to work with but I'm searching for a more specific story line.
There are a lot of funny things about her everyday activities that could be interesting to shoot... her cooking, playing cards, feeding the cats, and whatever else she does
also just the things around the house could be fun to focus on... her closet, her egg cartons of earrings, the collection of fairy figurines, the hat rack, her stacks of music reels to play on the piano
with easter coming up, ideally if i don't have too much homework, i will go home anyway and this would give me a good excuse to stay at her house all weekend and film which i think would be SOO MUCH FUN because my grandma makes me laugh


  1. man i am so pissed off. i just left you the best comment and when i pushed "post comment" i totally forgot my username and password. anyway, i want to tell you some of what i imagined after reading your ideas. first of all, i think its great that you are interested in developing a character that is unlike you, but at the same time, dont some of these obsessive ideas reflect upon you? maybe. maybe not. go for the hoarding idea! although i relate more with the messy hoarde, i think the neater more obsessive collector might be more compelling. then i think about the unorthodox rituals that might come of the collected items, like boiling plastic baggies of hair-- it reminds me of voodoo. i want to see this neat, obsessive character realized, then i want to witness the rituals that take place with the hoarded items. when are you going to post your new video online? i want to see it. also, check out my blog, i put up three new paintings.

  2. There is a lot of interesting things you can do with the ziploc bags. I can identify with the theme, we all use them to hold objects that would seem "impractical" to put inside. Then again, everyone uses them for different objects. Does it then become practical use?

    Also think about how your bags could be destroyed, or how you convey wear and tear on the bag from holding specific objects.

  3. hoading combined with the ziploc bags really interests me. Also, I want you to use your puppets and weird animation for this! I'm imagining a variety of shots with patterns of ziploc bags and containers. This is weird-but what if the camera zoomed into a the contents of a container and transitioned into this whole other world that involved your puppets and animation and all sorts of weird stuff. It could be several different stories of hoarding that take place inside these containers, combined with the person who is hoarding the containers.

  4. The third idea interests me the most. I can see this creepy serial killer type guy who collects hair from girls and stalks them. I think you could really make it creepy with your strong colored lighting and film-noir-esque darkness you utilize in your style.
