Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Children's show

As all children's shows have overall themes, my show's theme will be centered around Memphis City Street Smarts and Safety. The overall layout of the show will mimic kid's shows but the content will contain adult humor. Some parts of the show will have subtle adult humor while other parts will be obvious. 

Possible Show Titles:
 St. Elmo St., Puppet Trap House, Stat Flo Street

Show outline:
         Show will open with the theme song which will contain a mixture of animation and live action. The theme song will end on the host in the main backdrop with a puppet. The two will converse briefly about the show and it's theme.

-Letter of the Day
Host and puppet(s) will present the letter of the day- G. Live action will mix with animation to present different memphis-related G things. This area will purposely be cheesy with animated letters and so on.

A young, black male will appear as a guest with a rough attitude and advice. He, along with the puppets, will explore the importance of safety street knowledge when protecting yourself and your "product."

-Visit puppet Bumbo
Talking about drugs will lead to an adventure to visit Bumbo, the homeless puppet. The guest and puppet(s) will arrive at the trash heap/cardboard box on a park bench where Bumbo lives. Bumbo tries to sell them drugs but the guest explains the right and wrong way. Bumbo leads to focus on homeless life of Memphis streets.

-Street Shout
long armed puppet Kish goes out on the streets with the camera to talk to people. She may interact with some bums along with hookers?

-Chemist Corner
human character scientist with thick glasses teaches about mixing chemistry which is really drugs.

-Number of the Day
Animation and song similar to Letter. Number is 36 for 36Mafia where Host and puppet(s) talk about rap and 36 Mafia music plays.

-Guest Appearance
Breakdancer guest appears and teaches viewers a dance move.

Characters will join together and rap with guests coming in as well


  1. 3 things to watch out for:
    1. I would use actors for the hookers and bums, you have more control of what goes on that way
    2. i'm not sure about 36mafia's copyrights, but i venture to guess they aren't under fair use
    3. i'm not sure if you even need the memphis city school part of the theme. it could just be street smarts and safety. the school part kind of confuses me. and i think puppets giving "street smarts" will be cheesy and awesome.

    1. puppets...i am so excited
    2. combining animations with film will be really interesting
    3. i like the idea of this being a show with multiple parts

  2. The line up for your show is cool.
    The Chemist Corner is funny.
    I like the combination of film and puppets.

    The scene with the prostitutes should be Lamar Avenue.
    I'm a little confused about the breakdancer though its a cool idea. I have'nt seen any breakdancing in Memphis. Do you plan on hsving a real breakdancer of someone imitating breakdancing moves?

  3. This seems like a departure from your usual style and subject matter. I think that you can push the adult humor part of your idea to reflect the style of your previous work. I also agree with natalie: using a couple more actors with the puppets will turn the piece into something that could just be you messing around with your puppets in your room in front of your webcam into something that is more recognizable as a kids show like pee-wee's play house which utilizes both actors and inanimate objects like puppets.
    I also think you should scrap the affiliation with memphis city schools and have it be more generic so a wider audience can relate to it.
    Are you going to do all the voices and actions for all the puppets or are there going to be other people doing voiceovers and controlling the puppets?
    The rights of the music is an issue but i think your film falls under parody so it may be alright to use.
    Also are you doing all the animation yourself?
    You mentioned an opening theme song. Where is this music going to come from? Also is there going to be background music during the other scenes?
    One thing to consider is sound effects. Kids shows often have added unrealistic sound effects. Something you might want to research. There is a site called The Free Sound Project that has thousands of copyright free music, loops and effects for you to use non-commercially. Flash Kit is also a good site for sound effects.

  4. I really really like this idea, and it seems the most ridiculous and fun concepts i've seen from anyone this semester. I also like the little segments you have built-in to the show so that the intended audience (be it children or adults don't get bored and remain attentive to what's going on with the puppets). I would advise against using Elmo anywhere in the title though. I think it's cliche, but that's just me – i do however feel that Puppet Trap House is a great possibility, considering the heavy street and drug references you have outlined throughout. Anyway, make it fun, make it funny, and make it sadly indicative of life in Memphis, TN.

  5. I like Stat Flo Street as the title personally...

    The focus on street smarts is definitely a nice way to go with this movie. It like the borderline politically incorrect, tongue-in-cheek nature of this movie. The premise itself is hilarious... especially when you have lived here so long. That brings up an interesting question, who is the "target audience (in the sense of your children's show)" for your movie? Native Memphians, or children who live anywhere but may visit memphis? The show could be taken either way from this point; i feel that audience will dictate how your message is expressed.

    The section with the hookers and homeless will definitely be easier to shoot and pull off accurately with actors. With a little directing and costuming, they can be just as believable as the real thing. Shooting this scene on lamar ave. would be hilarious.

    I also wonder about having a breakdancer as your special guest. "Breakdancing" is not directly tied to modern Memphis-style dancing as "Dirty South" style dances are.

  6. Mike makes an excellent point vis a vis breakdancing: you gotta get somethin like the stanky leg in there. Not necessarily the stanky leg, but you could make up your own dirty south style dance, which could then segway nicely into your closing rap! Sweet!

    I think investigating street slang is a good avenue for discovering words that cross boundaries between child and adult, like "cake".
