I have been tossing the ideas of my movie around for a whole week now and the dreading of filming has become such a burden that I must take matters into my own hands. To produce a truly successful film, I must be fully passionate about what I am portraying.
So the new idea will still encompass somewhat the original, but will find more abstract, symbolic ways of expressing it.
The film will encompass the idea of forgetting the events of a drug and alcohol induced evening. Similar to when a person asks his or her friend what happened the night before, the film with explore the idea of others creating a mock-up of someone else's actions.
To really push the concept of delusional fragments of memories, I will surprise the viewer with the order of events so everything seems a little unclear. Instead of opening with the character getting ready to party or opening with the character waking up from partying before, I will choose to start somewhere in the middle.
The film opens with a sequence of camera-shook blurred images that come in and out of focus, signifying the descent into disorientation. Voice overs will mimic those of friends rambling out multiple stories of what occurred the night previous. Shots abruptly stop movement and audio as the camera shows a blurred image of the main character as she appears at the party. Then a black screen for a couple seconds.
Voice over: "What happened yesterday?"
Camera shows realistic sequence of real-life events the girl was engaged in that afternoon. As the sequence continues, the shot duration speeds up until shots begin flashing for only a second separated by heartbeat sounds... These quick images will show the transition from the normally perceived images to the more metaphoric of those under the influence. I will introduce the substances consumed in their regular form but then play with the imagery, by turning the liquid different colors, and splashing it around, and even having the character swimming in it. There will be the spontaneous dialogue but difficult to decipher.
The rapid shots and heartbeat sounds will merge into the heavy beat of a song... which leads to the party atmosphere scenes. This scene will encompass perceived actual events from the party along with the phantasmal and illusive imagery. This scene will show realistic scenes at the party involving the character with "drunk" dialogue which may switch to similar characters but all in masks talking about something completely legit. There will be shots of people dancing and laughing which will be transposed with disturbing images of frightening masked and/or costumed people doing bizarre things. Besides the combination of these two states of mind, I will also interlace the sequence with disassociated shots from separate events which may still apply. For example, there may be close ups of gruesome looking food being stirred, or people crawling out from under the bed. They will be rapid and unexpected. I will also explore the sexual aspect of party scenes by people, at times masked and unmasked, kissing and touching. I also want to show people's feet dancing, arms in the air, drinking, laughing, DJing, smoking, and maybe even bathroom sequences of people peeing.
At the end of the party sequence, the shots will flash again and become more and more spaced out until the camera focuses on the character's face which ends out of focus and ideally, show the effect of the apparent film strip falling off the reel. After a short black screen, the camera shows in the morning light the after effects of partying-- random people passed out on couches, endless amounts of cans and bottles, clothes and trash spread over vast areas. The camera will then show the character who wakes up in an unexpected position, pulling strange things from strange places. The movie ends with a close up of the character finding her phone and a close-up of a text reading... "what happened last night?"
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Memory Film Rehearsal Write-up
The weight in my rehearsal shooting was placed on the beginning scene because I wasn't really sure how to set up the at home shot. I figured the party scenes would all be sporadic and unplanned and the real essence of that part in the film would appear through my editing. Shooting this first scene of the film, I became discouraged and lost interest. I feel like its really difficult for me to get a straight edge feel for this side of the character. Experimenting in my room with the props and lighting, I came up with some things that I liked, yet other things I may wish to readdress. The more I think about my film as a whole, I think I may enjoy playing around with the party scenes more than the beginning and end shot. I can incorporate many interesting elements through colors, actions, lighting, symbols, and abstractions.
The first night I experimented with shooting the party scene, I tried to set up black lights, a red light, and a strobe light which ended up being way too much. The images I got from that night really sucked. The second time I experimented, I didn't mess with the lighting, I just let the person throwing the party set them up. The shots were dominated by the black lights but I got some really interesting shots. I tried to really capture the amount of traffic through the small space. I got some specific shots of random people doing things which I plan to tie into the party sequence.
So after seeing how strongly the black-light-only shots turned out, I think it may be easier for me to set separate lighting schemes for different shots so i focus on the transposition of different party shots as they make up the whole. I think by really experimenting with filming and lighting techniques through this area of the film, I may really enjoy working with my original idea while also gaining personal knowledge on things that worked and things that didn't.
The first night I experimented with shooting the party scene, I tried to set up black lights, a red light, and a strobe light which ended up being way too much. The images I got from that night really sucked. The second time I experimented, I didn't mess with the lighting, I just let the person throwing the party set them up. The shots were dominated by the black lights but I got some really interesting shots. I tried to really capture the amount of traffic through the small space. I got some specific shots of random people doing things which I plan to tie into the party sequence.
So after seeing how strongly the black-light-only shots turned out, I think it may be easier for me to set separate lighting schemes for different shots so i focus on the transposition of different party shots as they make up the whole. I think by really experimenting with filming and lighting techniques through this area of the film, I may really enjoy working with my original idea while also gaining personal knowledge on things that worked and things that didn't.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Specific Shot Sequence
Scene 1: Girl walks into house, unwinds, has a drink, then gets ready to go out.
1.1a close-up of heels walking up outside steps
1.1b close-up of girl's hands opening clutch to get out keys
1.1c medium close-up from behind girl's head towards front door
1.1d close-up of key unlocking door
1.1c same shot from behind her head but now she walks into door and shuts it
1.2a low camera angle cutting off below butt, girl puts coat and purse on bed
1.2b profile view of girl taking down up-do and she reaches down to take off shoes
1.2c jump cut to close-up of girl pulling off heels
1.2d close-up of girl mixing a drink, camera pans to follow her to the chair
1.2e medium low-angle shot of girl sitting down in chair to drink
1.3a close-up of girl twisting lipstick up
1.3b close-up of lipstick being put on lips
1.3c close-up of girl putting on jewelry
1.3d close-up of girl putting on heels
1.3e girl grabs bottle
1.3f girl walks out front door
I may choose to intercut still images of character photos in pageants, graduating, winning awards, etc.
Scene 2: Girl goes to a party where she drinks excessively and images blur together. Girl says some stupid things but keeps her overall composure initially. Gradual build-up of drunkeness until it hits her stupid and she passes out.
2.1a random medium long shots of different people getting out of cars, walking to party
2.1b medium close-up of shot from behind girl as she walks into party.
2.1c multiple shots of people dancing, drinking, and interacting
2.1d close-ups of girl pouring shots, close-ups of lips drinking shots (face not shown)
2.1e intercuts of different angles and close-ups of different people dancing
2.1f shots of room full of people waving hands in air
2.1g random shots of girl dancing, hugging people, drinking
2.1h multiple shots and angles of DJ spinning records
2.1i different shots of people playing games like beer pong and poker
2.1j interchanging of girl getting flirty with different guys, and eventually kissing scenes
2.1k people's faces start to change into multiple masks, close-ups
2.2a medium long shot of girl sitting on a couch with people
2.2b someone offers shots and she takes it
2.2c girl turns to friends and tells him to take off his mask and she rubs her fingers down his face
2.2d random abstract images such as: gruesome textures, still photos of girl in different poses wearing different outfits, possibly some underwater shots
2.2e shots of girl stumbling and then falling down, screen goes black but audio still heard (slowed-down time lapse as girl passes out and image blurs)
Scene 3: Shot begins in black screen with alarm going off. Girl is shown back at home where wakes up and gets dressed in her professional business wear.
3.1a medium long shot of room, girl sits up in bed with crazy hair.
3.1b close-up of hand turning on shower faucet
3.1c close-up of feet one-by-one stepping into shower
3.1d close-up of water hitting girl's neck
3.1e close-up of girl snapping bra
3.1f close-up of girl pulling on pantyhose
3.1g close-up of girl putting on make-up
3.1h close-up of girl putting on pears
3.1i medium long shot of girl grabbing purse and jack
3.1j long shot from house interior of girl walking out front door
Second Movie Exploration
The film opens with the character who is professionally dressed coming home to unwind where she makes herself a drink. The character gets ready to go out where she drinks excessively and memories become blurred. She returns home where she passes out until morning when she wakes up hung over and strung out to start the day new without regard of the previous night.
Underlying Theme
My film will explore the split personality characterized by the sober versus the alcohol-induced person. The two differ ironically with the stereotypical independent, working business woman and the alcoholic party whore. The issue will address memory by experimenting with the erasure of memory through alcoholic blackout.
Color schemes
The daytime initial and ending colors will revolve around the colors of the bedroom used. Colors will be yellows and reds, yet slightly dulled. Red will definitely be a recurring element through the changing of personalities.
The nighttime party sequences will be dark and highlighted with blues and greens. I will still use red accents throughout the night but I will strive for a cool, glistening feel, almost exemplifying the party life.
For the day scenes, I will utilize the daylight through the windows and also accent lighting from the track lights.
For the party shots, I will experiment with shooting strobe lighting and black lights. I may also use small moving white spot lights to show specific expressions. I really aim to experiment in the party scenes to see which colored lighting proves most effective at portraying the desired party feel.
In the beginning and random parts throughout, I want the girl to have omniscient, narrated parts. There will be a few dialogue sequences at the party but the scenes of her at home will not have her talking. I also plan to integrate music in scenes changes. I may wish to have a relaxing song in the background as the girl unwinds, and then a music change as she gets ready. Then a loud music track for the party which is interrupted by shot 2.2 sequence which includes dialogue. Then possible a different song afterwards which I may wish to have slow down and go out of tune as the character passes out. The last sequence will have no music and maybe a little narration.
I plan to rearrange the furniture in my room to create a desired living space for the girls bedroom scenes.
The party place I have not specifically decided yet but it may be possible and even beneficial to use multiple locations and combine them in the end for a more scattered party sequence arise more confusion and questioning from the audience.
Director's Notes
If possible, I may try to refrain from showing the character's full identity. I plan on using myself as the character and I think by creating shots that continually cut off my head would be challenging yet intriguing.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
short response to what I watched
on Haynes' "Superstar"
The movie was surprisingly not as cheesy as I had predicted. The voice overs did such an excellent job of conveying the mood and tone in their speech that the barbie dolls' expressions were not necessary. In many cases, particularly with the low lighting shots, the barbies mimic humans very well. The shots of Karen singing on stage were shown almost completely in black with a slight spotlight on the barbies face which was really perfect. It showed just enough information to relay an idea without being overly shown which would probably reveal the fake people too much. Even the sets the barbies occupied looked really realistic. I thought this movie was a great example of how one can really accomplish a great movie without even using real people.
on Carolee Schneeman's Fuses
I really admire her ability to create these beautifully colored images transposed on top of other images. The colorful overlapping of images, patterns, and textures becomes a symbolization for her sexual relationship. After watching it, I didn't feel as if I had just watched porn, even though there were some very graphic images. Though I'm not sure what she wanted to say with this video, it seems she may have been seeking a sexual release, a way of expressing her feelings about sex through art in video.
Movie details
Visually: I want this movie to appear very bright, colorful, and "happy." I plan to utilize daylight while also using colored accent lights. The props and costuming will be colorful with some patterned textures along with things that glisten and shine.
Sound: I will have the main character narrate the story. At times, the narrator will talk over action sequences. There will be parts where the narrator talks over blank shots. And there will be times when the narrator does not talk and the dialogue among characters comes through instead. Music will be applied to certain scenes, specifically at the beginning where the narrator talks over images of herself trying on different costumes, and at the end when her and her true love walk away together holding hands.
Other cinematographic techniques: I would like to play with transitions maybe mimicking the the old fashion film slide transitions where the sprocket holes show up on the side momentarily. I think adding shots where the camera blurs and moves off subject could be an interesting addition also.
Story line from essay
SCENE 1: A girl talks to the camera directly while dually narrating the story. She explains her opinions on clothing while we see her different characters.
SCENE 2: (set in past tense) We are shown some of the "groups" and how they interact with her. Jump cuts to her in her room implying the past tense, while she shows the camera her friends.
SCENE 3: She decided she wants to dress up as one of the popular girls that tease her. They continue to ignore and make fun of her.
SCENE 4: She returns to her room upset. She changes to an all black outfit deciding to give her love of costumes up.
SCENE 5: She goes to school where someone else wearing all black compliments her glasses.
SCENE 6: Discouraged again by this odd acceptance of her all black outfit, she decides she's perfectly happy in her costumes.
(version 1) She puts on a princess costume and walks out her front door. She notices a cute boy dressed as a prince. The two hold hands and walk down the sidewalk.
(version 2) She dresses as a bunny rabbit and spots the boy dressed as a billy goat. They still hold hands and walk down the sidewalk.
New Memory Essay
Does what I wear define what kind of person I am? What do these sneakers say about my sense of humor? What does my sweatshirt say about my temperament? If clothes don't make up my personality, why do people that wear similar clothes get along and hang out? No matter how hard you try to escape it, at least as a young adult, you will always be categorized, thrown into a group with similar styles. So why do you go along with it? You choose to buy clothes that fit into your wardrobe, your style. For what, consistency? So you don't get confused who you are and who your friends are? You should just wear what accommodates who you really are. I do.

Yesterday, I wanted to be a luchador.
Before that, I wanted to be a super hero.
Today I'm a cowboy and tomorrow depends on how I feel when I wake up.
People at school don't like me very much. They make fun of my costumes and tell me Halloween is only once a year. But I wish everyday was Halloween so everyone could break away from their fashion clicks.
That's ok. I have my own friends.
Do you know what I feel like being today? I want to dress up like that group of Abercrombie wearing girls at my school. I'm even going to act like them too. Maybe just by wearing their clothes, they'll ask me to join their group.
I'm tired of being alone. No group will accept me no matter how much I try to dress like them. I think I'll try stripping my identity clean. Stop playing these characters and just wear BLACK.
"Hey, I like your glasses," some kid says to me at school. I don't understand. I wear a boring all black outfit to school and that's what they like? I don't understand these twisted people and their fashion identities. This isn't me, this isn't who I am.
Because today, I'm a princess.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Response to the Response on my Manifesto
I had already decided I wanted to move my new idea for a movie in a different direction than what my original essay provided. I feel that there are some aspects about my manifesto that I would like to change, but I think overall, it encompasses my style. While some people's proposed styles seemed to apply very strictly to reality while others explored humorous and ironic elements of reality, I think my style convincingly craves the attention of the bizarre, the strikingly strange side of things.
I was interested in exploring the comments made on being "fake." I think this idea has been lost to me all along, waiting to be discovered. My mind always resorts to the idea of the "character" involving the actions of a person putting on a costume and playing someone they really are not. If someone were to watch a clown at a circus, the monumentality of the character is lost when the life of the person beneath the clothes and makeup is considered. He could be a creepy man that smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day and lives with five cats, or he could be a genuinely boring old man that loves to be and clown and still lives with his mom. But as I write this, I realize that these hidden identities DO actually make the character more interesting. We are processed to accept characters wearing costumes as being unreal. We "play along." We understand it is this man's JOB to do silly things and make us laugh. But this idea of a split life plays on the original idea of being fake. What if we DID live in an all fake world where we accept people's characters as their true self. Imagine the conversations that would be held, the sexual relationships that would be shared. The world of disguises would be such a bizarre place.
Also commented on from my manifesto, the idea of selective invitation. Me saying "oh you're not allowed to come." Relating this exclusiveness back to the costumes, it reminds me of themed party where if you don't come in costume, you're not allowed in. You've got the people at the party that are all about the costume. They look completely authentic and even enjoy playing the part in which they portray. And then there's the others who don't find amusement being someone they're not. They come to the party in their regular clothes and try to get in anyway. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? Don't they get tired of dressing like themselves everyday? Am I the only one who enjoys trying to see how much like someone else I can make myself look?
I remember in middle school after being given a hooded wrestling sweatshirt from my first boyfriend, I tried to dress up like a boy wearing that sweatshirt. I concealed all the woman attributes as best I could, tied a bandanna around my hair, and put on a sideways cap. And by golly, I was a HOT guy! And I even tried to walk around and act like a guy, which was extremely fun for me. Since then, I've continued to collect interesting costumes, masks, and any bizarre props which would aid in my generation of multiple characters for multiple moods.
Since I came to art school, I've always seemed to resort into this idea of "characters." If it is something i've been coming back to for so long, I suppose it must be important. I never seem to be bored with it and there are always so many aspects to explore. In my art, I've always been drawn to the figure but it seems to stop there. The idea of the figure as a different character intrigues me. There are so many characters out there to be explored and their visual appearance along with their tasks and personas create very interesting concepts.
I was interested in exploring the comments made on being "fake." I think this idea has been lost to me all along, waiting to be discovered. My mind always resorts to the idea of the "character" involving the actions of a person putting on a costume and playing someone they really are not. If someone were to watch a clown at a circus, the monumentality of the character is lost when the life of the person beneath the clothes and makeup is considered. He could be a creepy man that smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day and lives with five cats, or he could be a genuinely boring old man that loves to be and clown and still lives with his mom. But as I write this, I realize that these hidden identities DO actually make the character more interesting. We are processed to accept characters wearing costumes as being unreal. We "play along." We understand it is this man's JOB to do silly things and make us laugh. But this idea of a split life plays on the original idea of being fake. What if we DID live in an all fake world where we accept people's characters as their true self. Imagine the conversations that would be held, the sexual relationships that would be shared. The world of disguises would be such a bizarre place.
Also commented on from my manifesto, the idea of selective invitation. Me saying "oh you're not allowed to come." Relating this exclusiveness back to the costumes, it reminds me of themed party where if you don't come in costume, you're not allowed in. You've got the people at the party that are all about the costume. They look completely authentic and even enjoy playing the part in which they portray. And then there's the others who don't find amusement being someone they're not. They come to the party in their regular clothes and try to get in anyway. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? Don't they get tired of dressing like themselves everyday? Am I the only one who enjoys trying to see how much like someone else I can make myself look?
I remember in middle school after being given a hooded wrestling sweatshirt from my first boyfriend, I tried to dress up like a boy wearing that sweatshirt. I concealed all the woman attributes as best I could, tied a bandanna around my hair, and put on a sideways cap. And by golly, I was a HOT guy! And I even tried to walk around and act like a guy, which was extremely fun for me. Since then, I've continued to collect interesting costumes, masks, and any bizarre props which would aid in my generation of multiple characters for multiple moods.
Since I came to art school, I've always seemed to resort into this idea of "characters." If it is something i've been coming back to for so long, I suppose it must be important. I never seem to be bored with it and there are always so many aspects to explore. In my art, I've always been drawn to the figure but it seems to stop there. The idea of the figure as a different character intrigues me. There are so many characters out there to be explored and their visual appearance along with their tasks and personas create very interesting concepts.
changed my mind
I want to have a lot of fun doing this movie, relating back to good memories i have. I still may use the party scene idea, but it should be more positive than negative.
She opens her fridge. Stark. An apple, an avocado, some milk-- skim. What is she hiding? College student. Where's the frozen waffles? Where's the beer? Her face is tired, uneven, jaded. She grabs the apple. Bites into its green firmness. Flashback
She brushes her teeth. Make-up. Heels. Hair. Flashback. She's equipped and ready, but she's forgetting one last thing. She's looking. Behind those, empty. Under there, empty. Above that, empty. She desperately searches for substance, among the empty bottles, her empty soul. She's found her fix, the fuel that drives her to happiness.
Music muffled by the brick walls and glass windows from the speakers inside the party, she enters the door, hands at her sides, peering through the crowd. Her hair's cute. I like her outfit. The "beautiful" people surround her. She feels uneasy, too self-concerned. Time to loosen the timid paralysis that consumes her. Whiskey, her only friend- the fun times, lover- the sexual arousal, the father- the comfort. It's all there, all in one. Shot number one- easy. Shot number two- even better. Shot three- went down the wrong tube, she's coughing. Flashback. Shot numbers 4, 5, 6, down in a matter of minutes. She grabs a beer, a simple accessory. Now she's ready to enjoy herself.
She's dancing. She waves her arms in the air. She's making out with guys... and girls. She falls down. She gets up. She falls a couple of times. Bruises form all over her, but she doesn't seem to notice, or care. Her friends regard this saturday night behavior as normal. The therapist tells her the "normal" person can't even finish one beer. She does NOT believe that because she knows plenty of people that drink a couple forties before they feel anything.
She's brushing her teeth again at the party, as if she can brush the alcohol right off her breath. She mumbles her goodbyes. Everyone responds making her feel special and appreciated, that they enjoyed her presence at the party, which they probably did. Fellow partygoers typically don't mind the drunk girl making out with random people, as long as she's not puking. That's the give-away sign that this bitch needs to leave. Even if they weren't nicely saying fare-well, she probably wouldn't care, she's drunk.
In her car, the music is blaring. She zooms through yellow lights, cuts the corners, dodges into her driveway, and stumbles out the car and up the steps. She takes off her heels and most clothing. She stumbles to the bathroom to brush her teeth one last time before heading to the kitchen. She opens the refrigerator door. The stark light shines on her sullen face as it lies flat against the hardwood floor.
She brushes her teeth. Make-up. Heels. Hair. Flashback. She's equipped and ready, but she's forgetting one last thing. She's looking. Behind those, empty. Under there, empty. Above that, empty. She desperately searches for substance, among the empty bottles, her empty soul. She's found her fix, the fuel that drives her to happiness.
Music muffled by the brick walls and glass windows from the speakers inside the party, she enters the door, hands at her sides, peering through the crowd. Her hair's cute. I like her outfit. The "beautiful" people surround her. She feels uneasy, too self-concerned. Time to loosen the timid paralysis that consumes her. Whiskey, her only friend- the fun times, lover- the sexual arousal, the father- the comfort. It's all there, all in one. Shot number one- easy. Shot number two- even better. Shot three- went down the wrong tube, she's coughing. Flashback. Shot numbers 4, 5, 6, down in a matter of minutes. She grabs a beer, a simple accessory. Now she's ready to enjoy herself.
She's dancing. She waves her arms in the air. She's making out with guys... and girls. She falls down. She gets up. She falls a couple of times. Bruises form all over her, but she doesn't seem to notice, or care. Her friends regard this saturday night behavior as normal. The therapist tells her the "normal" person can't even finish one beer. She does NOT believe that because she knows plenty of people that drink a couple forties before they feel anything.
She's brushing her teeth again at the party, as if she can brush the alcohol right off her breath. She mumbles her goodbyes. Everyone responds making her feel special and appreciated, that they enjoyed her presence at the party, which they probably did. Fellow partygoers typically don't mind the drunk girl making out with random people, as long as she's not puking. That's the give-away sign that this bitch needs to leave. Even if they weren't nicely saying fare-well, she probably wouldn't care, she's drunk.
In her car, the music is blaring. She zooms through yellow lights, cuts the corners, dodges into her driveway, and stumbles out the car and up the steps. She takes off her heels and most clothing. She stumbles to the bathroom to brush her teeth one last time before heading to the kitchen. She opens the refrigerator door. The stark light shines on her sullen face as it lies flat against the hardwood floor.
Monday, March 2, 2009
more inspiration
I'm just trying to find some cool short films to get as many aspects and ideas before i settle on my next film idea.
From Crackle: from here on it got rough
The "real" me is made up of my ability to be alternate me's.
The world is my stage and each day provides me with a new scene.
I peruse through my closet contemplating which character I will be today.
With a wishy-washy confidence
a definite hesitance
a matter-of-fact mood
gritty and glistening, horrific and intriguing,
all co-existing together.
Red is the color, the attitude
Passion, blood, insanity, love
All-encompassing, terribly captivating
With scatter-brain certainty
the fairy tale fixings
and demonic adversaries
alcoholic enemies and friends,
all with their own problems, but
never as twisted as mine.
The world is a circus ring
and only the most bizarre, sinister, and disturbing
have the potential to be my circus freaks
Step right up, the show starts in 5
yet none of you are allowed in, sorry.
My circus was made by freaks FOR freaks.
Where no one feels as alone
an individualized conformity.
The world is my stage and each day provides me with a new scene.
I peruse through my closet contemplating which character I will be today.
With a wishy-washy confidence
a definite hesitance
a matter-of-fact mood
gritty and glistening, horrific and intriguing,
all co-existing together.
Red is the color, the attitude
Passion, blood, insanity, love
All-encompassing, terribly captivating
With scatter-brain certainty
the fairy tale fixings
and demonic adversaries
alcoholic enemies and friends,
all with their own problems, but
never as twisted as mine.
The world is a circus ring
and only the most bizarre, sinister, and disturbing
have the potential to be my circus freaks
Step right up, the show starts in 5
yet none of you are allowed in, sorry.
My circus was made by freaks FOR freaks.
Where no one feels as alone
an individualized conformity.
The day-in and day-out sequence skips over in my head
While the metaphoric display of creatures and characters
mingle with the rapid changing shots of everyday
Memories blur with one another, covering my eyes completely
All I can do is stumble around in the dark
Held up by strings as if the booze has
Weighted me down a hundred times
Yet I continue to trudge through the muck called life.
I'm beginning to believe happiness only exists in my memories.
But each moment is determined by the next.
Nothing is free. Only able to dabble in the freedom of our dreams.
and even there, most fail to explore.
The cheapest vacation that no one even knows about.
Well they're foolish...
and lucky,
that I'm willing to extend an invitation to my cabana,
where I can escape and explore the complexes of my thoughts.
What they do not know though, is that my vacation spot is full of
freaks, animals, and booze.
While the metaphoric display of creatures and characters
mingle with the rapid changing shots of everyday
Memories blur with one another, covering my eyes completely
All I can do is stumble around in the dark
Held up by strings as if the booze has
Weighted me down a hundred times
Yet I continue to trudge through the muck called life.
I'm beginning to believe happiness only exists in my memories.
But each moment is determined by the next.
Nothing is free. Only able to dabble in the freedom of our dreams.
and even there, most fail to explore.
The cheapest vacation that no one even knows about.
Well they're foolish...
and lucky,
that I'm willing to extend an invitation to my cabana,
where I can escape and explore the complexes of my thoughts.
What they do not know though, is that my vacation spot is full of
freaks, animals, and booze.
this commercial summarizes a style that i would like to explore in my next movie. I want to attempt to establish a story using only rapid changing images
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